

The days of black-suited stiff-lipped consultants who would come with their lofty ideas do some preaching and walk off with hefty fees are gone. In Acelot we believe in the simple philosophy of “Walk the talk”.Which means that if we are recommending a course for your journey of transformation (under our consulting services) then we are there to deliver it on the ground for you. That is where our Contracting services are a key to our stake in the game.

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The current GIG economy demands capability of any organisation to be able to rapidly upscale and downscale operations. We offer this capability through the three distinct partnership models:

  1. Payroll Management: We can take over do end to end payroll management for all employees in your organisation. We can also take over your existing employees onto our payroll.
  2. Hiring and Staffing: We can hire the staff for you and then manage their payroll.
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Process Delivery

We offer SLA based delivery for client process at a national level. Based on our 4D approach we undertake to understand your needs and design an end to end process note specifying our delivery mechanism. Once we agree on the same, we proceed to deliver as per agreed timelines. Periodic measures on the KPI ensures we are on top of our delivery process.

Deployments at a national level and as per project timelines are our key capabilities.

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Document Management

We are expert in Document Management Solutions (DMS). We offer 2 services :

Digitisation (Doxis4 by SER) where enterprise-wide layer for interchanging unstructured content and documents and integrates with any existing 3rd party application such as SAP, Exchange, Domino, Oracle.;and

Custodian Services – which includes Collection, Audit, Labelling/Indexing, Warehousing (Physical and digital) with retrieval.

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